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Host / Owner Forum: General Discussion

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3 thoughts on “Host / Owner Forum: General Discussion

  • on 02/28/2023

    I sent this email February 21, 2023 to all the board members. It is a personal letter but I it reflects our discussion of issues:

    Norris, Bart, Martin, Mike and Richard,

    I writing this note to you personally although I believe I represent the opinions and concerns of most in our HOA group which now includes more than 20 homeowners representing nearly 30 units. We take the time to discuss possible solutions to communication, repair and cost problems plaguing our community:
    1. Lack of Timely Communication. A simple case in point is the recent toilet water shut off in several buildings and salt water shut off effecting the entire complex. These issues as well as spa and pool issues should be communicated immediately to all our homeowners. Manny could easily send a timely group email. In fact, I’m shocked that we are not sending out a “conserve water” notice regarding toilet flushing. Posting this information on the website is not helpful except for the notice about how much our water costs. Please send out that group email about the fresh water toilet use.

    2. Pending Repairs and Maintenance and Rising Cost. You mentioned that Martin and Manny have put together a spreadsheet that includes 50 items with 26 leak-related repairs This leaves 24 items that may or may not include requests that we homeowners have sent to Maria who diligently acknowledges receipt of each request,-“Your message has been forwarded to the maintenance manager.” What becomes of these messages? It is inappropriate to withhold from homeowners the status of their requests. What’s happening to the float, salt water pump, men’s sauna , mini golf course fountain and pond, beach steps? Has there been any termite inspections? What about tide and stairwell repairs? Management’s updates will alleviate our frustration and may contribute to collective remedies to improve infrastructure and control costs.

    3. Inclusiveness. The HOA website used to list each board member as a chairman of a committee. Has that information been removed? Some homeowners would like to serve on the operational, facility, budget, architectural and landscape committee to help remedy problems mentioned above. Our group believes that the board seems to discouraged committee participation and is not receptive to suggestions. Please change this perception. I propose that an email be sent to every homeowner inviting them to serve on a committee and that a calendar be set for monthly meetings and reporting.

    In consideration for Maria who already has many responsibilities, I volunteer to set up the committees. Board members Bart, Martin, Mike and Richard however, need to be receptive to more frequent communication with these committees who will benefit from their experiences. If we are all in this together, we will certainly be able to make more progress. Hopefully you will take these concerns and suggestions seriously.

    Patricia McCormick
    PS, It would be encouraging to hear from our other board members. I will be sharing your responses with our group.

  • on 07/11/2023

    Letter to the City of Avalon regarding the requirement to post a sign on the doors of rentals at Hamilton Cove.

    To whom it may concern,

    As Hamilton Cove owners we would like to inquire regarding the recent letter we received from the City.
    In the Letter the City of Avalon states that they have received a complaint that some STR units do not show the name of the owner and 24hr contacts etc on public display.

    We would like to herewith inquire

    1. Who filed the complaint?

    2. What purpose does such a sign serve?

    3. All the info, is on file with the HOA, why does that not suffice?


    • on 07/11/2023

      To whom it may concern,

      As Hamilton Cove owners we would like to inquire regarding the recent letter we received from the City.
In the Letter the City of Avalon states that they have received a complaint that some STR units do not show the name of the owner and 24hr contacts etc on public display.

      We would like to herewith inquire

      1. Who filed the complaint?

      2. What purpose does such a sign serve?

      3. All the info, is on file with the HOA, why does that not suffice?

      Some concerns that have ben raised:

      A. 24 hour contacts should not be openly published and potentially needlessly contacted for trivial reasons, their role is to provide response to safety and security concerns, we have security staff on duty who have the contact info whenever it is needed.

      B. Street address is already displayed at each unit.

      C. Any question regarding maximum occupancy is on file with security . Security also check in the guests upon arrival and counts the number of guests per unit.



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